
SciBeh’s three subreddits. See further below for a 5’ video on how to use them.

Ask the behavioral science community a question on subreddit r/BehSciAsk

For researchers, policy makers, and journalists: Ask the behavioral science community a question on research relevant to the COVID–19 crisis: r/BehSciAsk. RSS feeds for new posts and comments.

Discuss research on subreddit r/BehSciResearch

Discuss research from the behavioral sciences (COVID-19 related or more general; e.g., research ideas, experiment designs, discussion of preprints, evaluation of published work, information on past work and discussions of its relevance now, moving from research to policy, and methods and tools): r/BehSciResearch. RSS feeds for new posts and comments.

Discuss how we do research on subreddit r/BehSciMeta

Discuss how we as a behavioral science community should adapt how we do science for an effective COVID–19 response: r/BehSciMeta. RSS feeds for new posts and comments.

A 5’ video on how to use the fora